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I can't remember her ever calling me Wesley. I took a deep breath and somehow said "We need to talk" without crying."You're dripping all over my carpet. Go take a shower and get into some dry clothes and I'll hear what you have to say." Still no emotion. I'd never seen her this cold before.I'd forgotten I was wet. I sort of jumped and grunted and went into my room. I grabbed some shorts and went into the bathroom down the hall. I turned on the shower to warm it up and started to get out of my wet clothes. It was then that I realized I had an erection. Oh God. Had I been hard when I was in Les's room? Had she seen anything? Is that why she was so cold? I looked at my face in the mirror and said "For God's sake, she's your sister." It didn't do any good.I got in the shower and let the water play on me. It was hot by now and felt good on my back. I turned around, let my chin rest on my chest, closed my eyes and just stood there with the hot water playing on my head. And then I took. His sexual activities in that time had involved only his right hand and a few battered Penthouse magazines, or occasionally a X-rated video tape he had borrowed from a high-school pal and never returned. However he knew this wasnt good enough ... he was 24-years-old and just had to get laid, before his nuts popped.Deciding against going inside just yet, he stood and walked slowly across the dewy grass, hands in pocket, staring blankly ahead. He got to his car and turned around, leaning against the driver's side door, head bowed. He looked up and scanned around, looking for a distraction from the carnal thoughts flooding his brain, when he saw a light on in the side window, beyond the back fence. It was his 15-year-old sister Amy's bedroom, she was probably in there reading, doing homework, or talking on the 'phone she had talked her father into giving her last Christmas. Mark got on well with Amy ... well, as well as can be expected between a brother and his kid sister, there was no.
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